Le Jardin du Martinez

An experience to remeber

The Jardin du Martinez is a hymn to the Mediterranean art of living. A veritable Garden of Eden, this restaurant is located at the Martinez hotel. On this terrace overlooking the sea and the view of the Croisette, you can wear a boater’s hat and immerse yourself in this atmosphere where the scent of Mediterranean essences mixes with the sweet perfume emanating from the cuisine of the chef Sinicropi.

From breakfast, which takes the form of a Provencal market, to dinner where you can almost hear the cicadas, everything here is an ode to savior-vivre. The chef applies his excellent know-how and reinvents the essentials of Mediterranean cuisine. How not to be tempted by the “Bouillabaisse fondue”, a fusion of Asian and Provencal references dear to Chef Sinicropi. Red mullet, Saint-Pierre, bacon, prawns, clams, and other vegetables and spices join the potatoes in a tasty fish soup. A playful and surprising choice that your taste buds will remember. This garden of discoveries will even offer you Sinicropi pizzas, a Tanjia revisited in the fisherman’s pot, or the Tandoori oven-baked octopus. Le Jardin du Martinez is also available for off-season brunch. The flaking stall and the culinary animations seduce a faithful clientele, conquered by the most gourmet suggestions. Even the parents are seduced since the kids’ corner offers them a safe space for their blond heads and a moment of freedom for them. The time for a glass of champagne and a delicate bite and the Jardin du Martinez becomes the place for an exquisite gustatory memory.

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