Bond Street

An experience to remeber

Bond Street connects to Oxford Street and is a popular shopping district in its own right. Bond Street differs from Oxford Street in its selection of stores, with a much greater focus on the exclusive and the designer. Bond Street is one of the most expensive shopping streets in London and is worth visiting for a taste of the indulgent.

Doormen stand patiently outside many shop entrances. Diamonds glitter in the windows of watchmakers, jewelers, and even handbag stores. On this street, you will find Tiffany’s, as well as the flagship stores for Cartier and Ralph Lauren.

After a spot of window shopping – or flashing the cash – pose with the ‘Allies’ statue of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting on a bench. Finish your trip to Bond Street by seeking out London’s oldest outdoor sculpture above the entrance to Sotheby’s. This sculpture is from Ancient Egypt and is over 3,000 years old.

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