Creole – Vallée de Mai & Anse Lazio

An experience to remeber

 This trip will introduce you to the experience of a lifetime on a guided tour of this world-famous site, where the legendary coco de Mer, the double-lobed coconut in the shape of a woman’s pelvis grows in twilight beneath a towering canopy of palms. You can enjoy fantastic legends and tales about this site as our guide explain how it is believed by some to be the original biblical Garden of Eden. The next stop will be at the Praslin Museum, located in Cote d’Or, which showcases the culture of Seychelles, featuring different indigenous plants of the island. Here, you will get the chance to smell the aroma of the famous Citronelle tea, as well as other local fruits, before being escorted to the Iles des Palmes Hotel for a delicious local lunch. Afterward,  a visit to Anse Lazio, which is often cited as the world’s most beautiful beach. Swimming and snorkeling in the crystal waters of this beach is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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