La Guerite Restaurant in Cannes, Sainte-Marguerite Island

An experience to remeber

The private beach La Guérite is a paradise whose breathtaking view of the bay of Cannes seduces travelers used to exceptional places. Nestled under the royal fort of Sainte-Marguerite Island, La Guerite and its restaurant are a refuge for the international elite for a day of relaxation. In the unique setting of the Island of the Man in the Iron Mask, La Guerite surprises with its charm and authenticity, and the lucky ones who dock there every day by boat enter a club of the privileged. Here you can enjoy the Mediterranean cuisine of Greek chef Yiannis Kioroglou, who skillfully plays with baking, braising, and barbecuing to amuse his guests’ taste buds. You can relax on a beach bed sipping a cocktail or a glass of local wine. Finally, put your feet in the sand to enjoy a lobster and enjoy the sound of the guitars of the musicians who delight in the atmosphere. Everything at La Guerite is all about pleasure and relaxation. For a perfect day, by yacht or sailboat between the Lerins Islands, a stopover at La Guerite is a simple matter of course.

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