The Uffizi

An experience to remeber

An absolute treasure trove of Renaissance art.

One of the most beautiful, significant, and famous art museums in the world, a must-see for art lovers and one of those places you may want to see once in a lifetime even if art is not your thing. Here, you have masterpieces such as the birth of Venus by Botticelli, Tondo Doni by Michelangelo, and Madonna del Cardellino by Raphael, just to name a few of the best known. The museum is located in Florence city center and is a destination in itself. Ultimately, to gaze upon one of Botticelli’s finest pieces; The Birth of Venus. If you get in really early, you may just get the fifteenth-century painting to yourself, but don’t spend too long at Venus’s feet because there are hundreds more iconic works to see. I recommend setting aside at least three hours to navigate the horseshoe-shaped gallery and glimpse at all the unmissable. Plus, the venue itself is architecturally fascinating: built in the 16th century and designed by Italian painter Giorgio Vasari, the extending colonnades, linear columns, and traditional pediments all contribute to the classical design – a perfect pairing to the astonishing artwork housed within its walls.

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