
An experience to remeber

Essentially these sausages are hot dogs made from a blend of beef and pork, but what makes Pølse typically Norwegian is the way they’re cooked (in beef stock). The classic way to get your pølse is wrapped in a lump, a flatbread made from potato, milk, and flour.

You can order a pølse with ketchup and mustard, and an array of other accompaniments like dried onions, remoulade, and pickles.

You’ll find them at convenience stores like Narvesen, Deli de Luca, and 7-Eleven all over Oslo, and they’re eaten at barbecues and big national events like Norway’s National Day on May 17. Every Norwegian eats an average of three sausages on that single day.

If you need another statistic that sums up the Norwegian love for pølse, 46,000 tons of this sausage are eaten here every year. That comes to more than 100kg per person.

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